Ferocious Dog Collection

Its fair to say that without the inspiration of the band Ferocious Dog I would not be creating art again. Over the last few months I’ve created several digital artworks and they have been offered as a free PDF in return for a donation to the relevant band members charity of choice.

If you would like a pdf emailing click on the relevant image below which will link to the relavant donation information. Email me at lencilcreations@outlook.com with evidence of the dontation and I will send out the pdf file.


Ken Bonsall supports
The Trussell Trust

Dan Booth supports
Clifton NG11 Foodbank

Kyle Peters supports
Lee Bonsall Memorial Fund
to donate Paypal karenkennyb@yahoo.co.uk

Nick Wragg supports
The Wildlife Trusts

Jamie Burney supports
The Archer Project